Thursday, September 18, 2008

Greenpeace gets blasting

FORMER Gulf governor Riddler Kimave has slammed the recent interference of logging operations in Kikori, Gulf province, by activist Greenpeace ship, Esperanza, descri-bing it as “economic terrorism”.
Two weeks ago, Greenpeace environmental activists protested aboard a logging ship that was bound for China.
Mr Kimave said the arrival of Esperanza on Sept 3 sabotaged legitimate logging operations in the east and west Omati and east and west Sirebe sites in Kikori.
Mr Kimave is the principle landowner of the Dokovi clan in west Omati.
He said he had, in the early 1980s, negotiated with the State to usher in much-needed services and development with the help of logging company, Turama Forest Industries (TFI).
Forest management agreements were signed between the Omati and Sirebe landowners, State and TFI for commercial logging to take place.
“It is about time the Government takes a bold stand against Greenpeace who had made it their business to taint legitimate legal logging operations to capture media attention worldwide,” Mr Kimave said.
He added that the timber industry in Kikori was a major contributor to development in the district apart from the Kutubu and Gobe projects and the Government must stop outside interference.
The timber rent issued by the State to TFI was to harvest logs and provide appropriate premium payments, royalties and annual benefits to the locals and pay school fees for children attending school under forest management agreements.

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