Objectives:1) Develop the capacity for a number of blind people to govern and manage their own organisation
2) Develop advocacy skills so that blind people can advocate for the rights of all blind people at the national and provincial level
3) Prioritise the key issues for the Executive Committee of the PNGBU to pursue over the coming year.
DAY ONE: Monday 27 October 2008 Time Session Facilitator/Trainers
9.00 - 9.30am Opening
Intro/overview of PNGBU: How we got to where we are.
Official Opening by Minister Chair Anna
Dona Ou (PNGBU)
Dame Carole Kidu, Minister for Community Development
9.30 – 11.00am Building a good Organisation:
- running committee/board meetings (chairing, agendas, minutes)
- office bearers: roles and responsibilities
Good governance introduction (role of members, organizational constitution, incorporation) Presenter: Dan.
Local Expert: Ben Theodore
Chair: Anna
11.00 - 11.30am Morning Tea
11.30 - 1.00pm Governing your organization
being a leader in your organisation
- accountability and transparency
- supervision of secretariat
- managing funds Chair: Oboi Kaka
Presenter: Robyn McKenzie and Kevin Murphett.
Local Expert: tbc (Ben T to approach ICRAF)
1.00 - 2.00pm Lunch
Day 1 Continued…../
2.00 - 4.30pm Getting the money:
Approaching donors
- funding submission writing
Chair: Martin Kawagle
Presenter: Kevin Murphett and Karen McKenzie
Local expert: Adris Kombruah (Director NSI)
7.00 - 8.30pm Ethics for NGO’s in PNG
- Ethical management: ie self discipline, openness, honesty, leadership. Chair: Petros Kuup
Presenter: Kevin Murphet
Local expert: tbc from Garoko University or Devine Word.
DAY TWO Tuesday 28 October 2008. Time Session Facilitator/Trainers
9.00 – 11.00am Getting the work done
-basics of strategic planning (vision, mission, prioritizing work)
Drawing up a Work plan Chair: Dona Ou
Presenter: Dan Stubbs
Local Expert: TBC from Garoko University Business School.
11.00 - 11.30am Morning Tea
11.30 - 1.00pm Getting the work (cont’d)
Monitoring and evaluation of projects (Log frames, outputs, indicators, risks
Chair: Pipi OaHo
Presenter: Dan Stubbs and Robyn McKenzie.
Local expert: Calam Services representative (tbc)
1.00 - 2.00pm Lunch
2.00 - 4.30pm What is advocacy?
- overview and examples using local issues Chair: Ben Theodore
Presenter: Marleen Nellisse
Local Expert: Anna Hitovea
7.00 - 8.30pm Blind Citizens Australia and World Blind Union
- Advocacy work.
WBU - membership roles, responsibilities and opportunities for PNGBU. Opportunities for linkages between PNGBU and BCA.
- Discussion: What does PNGBU want from WBU
Chair: Anna Hitovea
presenter Robyn McKenzie and Kevin Murphett.
DAY THREE: Wednesday 29 October 2008 Time Session Facilitator/Trainers
9.00 – 11.00am Practical skills for advocacy:
-letter writing
meeting and negotiating with government and service providers
Developing an advocacy position, presenting it and follow up.
Protesting, lobbying politicians, gaining community support.
Chair: Ovoi Kaka
Presenter: Robyn McKenzie
Local expert: Peter Wassape (tbc)
11.00 - 11.30am Morning Tea
11.30 - 1.00pm Leadership skills in advocacy.
Using the media:
writing a media release
-presentation skills when using radio, television and newspapers
Chair: Lucy Hanson (tbc)
Presenter: Kevin Murphett
Local Expert: Ben Theodore
1.00 - 2.00pm Lunch
2.00 - 4.30pm Presenting your issues
- Writing articles, stories/case studies for awareness and fund raising, writing policy positions, developing organisation pamphlets for awareness raising .
Chair: Desmond Peng
Presenter: Marleen Nelisse
Tbc Garoka University writing skills person
7.00 - 8.30pm Using drama/theatre for community awareness raising
Round Round Theatre Group (tbc)
DAY FOUR: Thursday 30 October 2008 Time Session Facilitator/Trainers
9.00 – 10.30am PNGBU 2008 General Assembly Chair Anna Hitovea
Returning Officer: Kevin Murphett (Chair WBU Oceania sub-region)
Independent Observers Robyn McKenzie
10.30 - 11.00am Morning Tea
11.00 - 1.00pm Identification of key issues faced by PNGBU Chair: incoming President PNGBU
Co-facilitator: Petros or Anna (re gender balance)
1.00 - 2.00pm Lunch
2.00 - 4.30pm Prioritisation of Key issues for PNGBU to pursue over the coming year. Chair: incoming Vice President PNGBU
Co-Facilitator Dan Stubbs
4.30 - 5.00pm Closing
- overview of achievements and where to from here Chair: Incoming president and outgoing (Anna Hitovea)
governor Eastern Highlands Province and Kevin Murphet on behalf of WBU.
Chairpersons PNGBU Working Committee and other leaders in the blindness community.
Facilitators/Trainers/Presenters Kevin Murphett, President Vision Australia, Chair World blind Union Oceania Sub- Region
Robyn McKenzie, CEO Blind Citizens Australia
Daniel Stubbs, social policy and organisation development consulting
Evaluation An evaluation strategy will be developed for the PNGBU national Leadership Workshop in accordance with the objects it seeks to achieve. The three objects of the National leadership Workshop are:
1. Develop the capacity for a number of blind people to govern and manage their own organisation
2. Develop advocacy skills so that blind people can advocate for the rights of all blind people at the national and provincial level
3. Prioritise the key issues for the Executive Committee of the PNGBU to pursue over the coming year. Local ExpertsEach session has a ‘local expert’ as one of the presenters. These individuals have been chosen because of their expertise and knowledge in the field or their practical knowledge on the issues covered in that session. Local experts will therefore present on the issues from the perspective of how it may be done in PNG and/or provide examples/case studies/stories of how he or she has done this work in PNG.
The local expert may also need to put some of the more technical materials into language that is more accessible to the participants. That is, although all participants will speak English, the local expert will be on guard for any technical language that is used and either put it in terms that all participants can easily understand or ask the presenter to do so. By giving local examples, particularly using his/her own experiences, the local expert will show that Papua new Guineans can practice all the skills and enjoy all the knowledge that is being provided.
Chairpersons On the evening prior to the beginning of the workshop a Chairpersons briefing shall be held to advise them of their roles and responsibilities. The key responsibilities for the session chairs will be to:
1. ensure that their session begins on time regardless of how many participants are present – this will ensure that all participants quickly come to realize that session times will be strictly met;
2. introduce the session they are chairing and the presenters;
3. ensure that at least 20-30 minutes is available for questions and discussion at the end of each session – this will include advising presenters when they have only 5 minutes left to speak; and
4. ensuring that sessions finish on time.