Friday, September 30, 2011

Australian grower eyes island seasonal workers

Australian grower eyes island seasonal workers

The In-House Benchmarking Study - Public Relations Institute of Australia

The In-House Benchmarking Study - Public Relations Institute of Australia


The Bank South Pacific (BSP) Green campaign was a hailed a success, as both schools, general public and corporate organizations took turn in cleaning around Port Moresby and other parts of Papua New Guinea. The staff of Rimbunan Hijau (PNG) Group also took part and cleaned around the Gordons market and shopping centre.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

In the history of Papua New Guinea, September is a special month for all Papua New Guineans from all walks of life. The special day is celebrated on the 16th on the September every year. For me, it turned bad though but I had my camera and took some shots on that day when the country was celebrating its 36the Independence Anniversary. I'd like to share some snap shots of what I took then.